C super mel et favum
B. quidquid amor
O unica et
cur tamdiu in
longinquo moraris?
Cur unicam tuam
perire vis,
quae anima et
corpore te diligit, ut ipsa scis?
et quea more
aviculi esurientis
te suspirat
omnibus horis atque momentis.
ex quo enim
dulcissima tua presentia contigit me carere
nolui hominem
ulterius audire nec videre
sed quasi tutur,
perdito masculo
semper in arido
residet ramusculo
ita lamentor sine
donec iterum
fruar tua fide.
circumpspicio et
non invenio amantem
ne in uno verbo
me consolantem
dum enim
allocutionis ac
visionis tuae
revolvo in animo
dolore comprimor
nam nil invenio
Quid velim tuae
dilectioni comparare,
Quae super mel
at favum dulcescit
Et in cuius
comparatione auri et argenti nitor vilescit?
quid ultra? in te
omnis suavitas et virtus:
idcirco de
absentia tua meus semper languet sipirtus.
omnis perfide
cares felle
dulcior es lacte
et melle
electa es ex
te diligo prae
tu sola amor et
tu dulce animi
mei refrigerium
nil mihi absque
te iocundi.
omne quod tecum
erat mihi suave
sine te
laboriosum est et grave.
unde dicere volo
si fieri posset
quod vitae pretio te emerem--non segniter.
quia sola es quam
elegi secundum cor meum.
idcirco semper
obsecro Deum
ne prius me mors
preveniat amara
quam visione tua
fruar optata et care.
quae sunt omnia
fidei et dilectionis de me habe.
quem transmitto
accipe stilum
et adhuc animum
meum fidum.
--[quoted in] Dronke, Peter. Medieval Latin and the Rise of European Love Lyric, Vol 2.478; and Piechl,Helmut and Bergmann, Werner. Die Tegernseer Briefsammlung des 12. Jahrhunderts, p. 354.
To C, beyond
sweeter than honey and honeycomb
From B, whatever
love means to a lover.
O unique and
special girl,
Why do you stay
so far away, and for so long?
Why do you wish
for your one & only love to perish,
Who loves you (as
you already know) body & soul?
Who longs for
you, like a parched little bird
Hopes for you at
all hours?
From the moment
when I was apart from your sweetest presence
I didn’t want to
see or hear another person,
But instead, like
a turtledove, when its mate was dead,
Remains perched forever
upon a barren branch.
Like this sad
little bird, I’ll lament without end
Until once more I
can enjoy your company.
I look around,
and cannot find my lover
Or any word of
Instead, I happily
run through my mind
The sweetness of
your words and beauty,
Undone by my
For I cannot find
any such relief.
What can I
compare to your love?
It is sweeter
than honey and honeycomb,
Even gold and
silver is dull in comparison!
Why go on?
In you, is every sweetness
and kindness,
And so my spirit wanes
in your absence.
You lack even an
ounce of the bitterness of infidelity,
You are sweeter than
milk and honey.
You are the one I’ve
chosen out of thousands of others—
I love you more
than everyone!
You alone are my
love and my desire
You are the sweet
refuge of my soul,
I find no
enjoyment in anything else without you.
Everything that
is sweet for me by your side
Is tedious and
terrible without you here.
And so I want to
tell you candidly,
If it were
possible for me to afford a life by your side, I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.
Because you alone
are the woman I chose in my heart.
And so, I pray to
May bitter death
not take me away
Before I may
enjoy looking at you,
My beloved and
dearest one.
Hold dear the
faith and love I bear you,
And accept these
words which I write to you,
As well as my
still-loyal heart.